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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by nihal123 Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:05 am

    ලොව වැඩිම කොරෝනා රෝගීන් අමෙරිකාවෙන් : අසු දහසකට අධික පිරිසක් මිය යනු ඇතැයි අනතුරු අඟවයි

    ලොව කොරෝනා වෛරසයේ ආරම්භය සිදුවූ චීනයද පසු කරමින් වෛරසය සම්ප්‍රේෂණය වූ රෝගීන් වැඩියෙන්ම සිටින රට බවට අමෙරිකාව පත්ව තිබෙනවා.

    ඒ අනුව මේ වන විට අමෙරිකාවෙන් වාර්තා වන මුළු කොරෝනා රෝගීන් සංඛ්‍යාව 82,400 කට අධික වන අතර ජිවිතක්ෂයට පත්ව ඇති මුළු පුද්ගලයින් ගණන 1,195ක් වන බවයි විදෙස් මාධ්‍ය සඳහන් කරන්නේ.

    වෛරසයේ ව්‍යාප්තිය ආරම්භවූ චීනයෙන් වාර්තා වන රෝගීන් සංඛ්‍යාව 81,782ක් වේ.

    මේ අතර විශේෂඥයින් පිරිසක් සිදුකර ඇති පර්යේෂණයකට අනුව කොරෝනා වෛරසයෙන් අමෙරිකාවේ පුද්ගලයින් 80,000 කට අධික පිරිසක් ජිවිතක්ෂයට පත්වීමට ඉඩ ඇති බවට අනතුරු අඟවා සිටිනවා.

    කොරෝනා වෛරසයේ ව්‍යාප්තිය හේතුවෙන් වැඩියෙන්ම රෝගීන් වාර්තා වන්නේ අමෙරිකාවේ නිව් යෝර්ක් ප්‍රාන්තයෙන් බවයි එරට සෞඛ්‍ය අංශ සඳහන් කරන්නේ.
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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by spw19721 Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:45 am

    What is happening ? Some kind of research by most powerful country on earth ?
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
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    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:05 am

    It is mutating so fast and wonders whether it could acquire the Airborne Transmission capability soon. Shocked
    The Invisible
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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:25 am

    Sri Lanka extends Coronavirus curfews, work from home till Apr 03, to bottle Covid-19 with count at 106

    ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka extended a work from home period to April 03, and has slapped indefinite Coronavirus curfews on three districts with authorities making a final effort to stop any remaining unidentified carriers infecting others.

    The work from home period from March 30 to April 03 will apply to all State, semi-government and private sector entities except which are categorized as essential services.

    “This period is not considered as public holidays. Uninterrupted continuation of public services is the responsibility of the Government,” the Presidents office said.

    “However, the objective of this measure is to prevent unnecessary gathering of people and pave the way for self-quarantine.”

    Since the Wave II surge of the epidemic began with infected returnees from countries other than China in March daily growth of confirmed patients had been in the single or low double digits.

    On March 26, the health ministry had confirmed four new cases by 2100 hours taking the total to 106. Another 237 suspected patients are under observation.

    Four Coronavirus patients have recovered so far, including a Wave I patient from China who was originally infected with the Wuhan virus in January 2020.


    Sri Lanka says a work-at-home period till April 03

    Sri Lanka curfew break extended till 1400h Thursday – Jaffna Update

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    There have been no deaths but two are in intensive care, the head of Sri Lanka’s health service Anil Jasinghe has said.

    Sri Lanka has slapped indefinite curfews in Colombo, Kalutara and Gampaha, calling them high risk areas, while a curfew was also extended in Jaffna where an infected Swiss pastor conducted a service.

    Out of patients indentified up to late afternoon Thursday Colombo had recorded 22, Kalutara, 15, Gampaha 10 and Puttalam 09, Jasinghe said, prompting the areas to be designated high risk.

    Health Workers Discriminated

    “Today four people recovered from Coronavirus and left for home quarantine,” Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi said in a daily recorded statement.

    “That is something to be happy about. The health workers, the nurses, doctors and minor workers deserve the honour of the nation, along with the service personnel and the army commander.

    “However we have heard that when they go home they face some discrimination in society”

    They are a great strengthen to the people; they need the honor of the people.

    Wanniarachchi said Suwaseriya paramedic ambulance workers also performing a great service to the nation.

    “They are bringing in Coronavirus patients, going to houses not caring whether people have Coronavirus or not,” she said.

    Jasinghe said some health workers have been asked to leave their residences.

    “They are not infected persons, they know how to protect themselves,” Jasinghe said.

    Jasinghe had also sought police support to protect persons who are not wearing masks in public. Members have been asked to stay away from each other maintaining at least a meter distance (Britain’s National Health Service is advising 2 meters) a the key preventive measure and washing hands frequently.

    Wearing surgical masks incorrectly, moving them around with hands will transfer germs to the hands to the mouth and nose, health experts have said. If there is active community transmission, the government would ask people to wear masks.

    “Even some officials who do not know the correct position has been creating problems for the members of the public who do not wear masks,” Jasinghe said.

    “This is also the advice of the World Health Organization. The Lancet journal has also yesterday published a piece with a similar view.”


    Sri Lanka public free to go without a mask, do not harass them: health ministry

    Jasinghe also asked the public not to ask for curfew passes especially to visit relatives.

    Medicine Distribution – Correct address needed

    With ongoing curfews patients who visit hospitals for monthly clinics cannot get their medicine.

    “We have discussed with the Postal Service and medicines will be put in packets and distributed by post. For that we need the correct address and telephone number.

    “So we are asking clinic patients to call the hospitals and update their addresses and telephone numbers if wrong one has been given.

    He said a meeting had been held with a pharmacy association and the pharma chamber to develop a mechanism for private patients who buy regularly from pharmacies.

    “There may be problems at first, but we will observe and fix them,” Jasinghe said.

    “We are doing all this so that people will maintain their distance.”


    Army Chief Shavendra Silva said 223 person who had been quarantined at Punani and Kandakadu centres had been released on March 26.

    “They have been asked to home quarantine for 14 days. Up to now 678 persons have left quarantine.

    He said 2,866 were in quarantine and another 443 will leave on Friday.

    The head of Sri Lanka’s Health Promotion Bureau Paba Palihawadana said they were asked to home quarantine because the virus was new and also visitors tended to come home to see them.

    “If a lot of people come home to see them, they can get re-infected,” she said.

    Economic Toll

    Senior advisor to the Finance Minister Nivard Cabraal has called for a strategy to get the economies working after Covid-19 ends.

    “The Sri Lankan economy would also have to be re-shaped and restructured to deal with the new global economic order and the challenges that would unfold,” Cabraal said.


    Sri Lanka has to prepare a way forward strategy for a post-Covid19 era: Cabraal

    Sri Lanka has imported extra food from India for April season: Minister

    Information Minister Bandula Gunewardene had said that Sri Lanka’s traders had imported extra food from India in March to cope with high demand in the April New Year season and there were extra stocks of food.

    Health Minister Wanniarachchi said beneficiaries of Samurdhi income supplements will get a 10,000 rupee credit.

    However day labourers earners who have been working hard and not depending on tax payer handouts have been badly hit with no income.

    Television reports said Sri Lanka’s price controllers have disrupted the work of Dambulla economic trading centre, which works on commission like a stock excahne claiming that traders were pushing up prices.

    Angry market participants were interviewed on TV saying prices were pushed down by force to 80 rupees a kilogram depriving farmers of incomes but the same goods were retailed at high prices elsewhere.

    The Consumer Affairs Authority also caused a nation-wide shortage of tinned fish, by slapping a 100 rupee price control.

    Tinned fish prices are artificially kept up in Sri Lanka with import duties to benefit a handful of politically connected rent seeking domestic producers, critics have said. (Colombo/Mar27/2020)
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:38 am

    As of now...

    Coronavirus Cases:



    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:51 am

    Total new cases during last 24 hours - 61,203, the highest for any day
    Total new deaths during last 24 hours - 2,807, the highest for any day

    New cases for USA & Spain - 17,224 & 8,271 respectively, the highest for both countries

    New deaths for USA & Spain - 268 & 718 respectively, the highest for both countries

    Total infected cases in USA reached 85,435 became the country with highest infections now

    This virus now running through Europe & USA like a sand hurricane with no whatsoever relief not because the virus is deadly but because these countries have not taken it seriously. Now its an absolute carnage there.
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:56 am

    Will the CSE open on Monday?
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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by nihal123 Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:59 pm

    ඇමරිකාවේ රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එක ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍රයක්

    වෛද්‍ය සැපයුම්වල හිඟයක් ඇතිවීමේ අවදානමක් හටගැනීමත් සමඟ රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එක් ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍රයක් (වෙන්ටිලේටර්ස්) භාවිත කිරීමට ඇමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදයේ නිව්යෝක් නුවර රෝහල් තීරණය කර ඇත.

    දැනට පවතින ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍ර (වෙන්ටිලේටර්ස්) නවීකරණය කර එලෙස රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එක් යන්ත්‍රයක් භාවිත කිරීමේ තීරණය ගෙන ඇති නමුත් ඇතැම් වෛද්‍යවරු එය අවදානම් යැයි අනතුරු අඟවා ඇත.

    ගෝලීය වසංගතයක් බවට පත්ව තිබෙන නව කොරෝනා වයිරසයේ, නව කේන්ද්‍රස්ථානය බවට පත්ව ඇත්තේ ඇමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදයයි.

    කොරෝනා වයිරසය පෙනහලුවලට බලපාන රෝගයක් වන අතර දරුණුම අවස්ථාවලදී ඉන් සිදුවිය හැකි හානිය ඉතා විශාලය. කොරෝනා වයිරසය හේතුවෙන් සති කිහිපයක් ඇතුළත නිව්යෝක් නගරයෙන් වාර්තා වී ඇති මරණ ගණන 281 ක් වන අතර එම නගරයෙන් වාර්තා වී ඇති ආසාදිතයන්ගේ ගණන 22,000කි.

    නිව්යෝක් නගරය තුළ වෛද්‍ය සැපයුම් හිඟයක් ඇතිවීමේ දැඩි අවදානමක් හටගෙන ඇත. මේ හේතුවෙන් ව්‍යවසනකාරී තත්ත්වයක් ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමේ අවදානමක් නිර්මාණය වී ඇතැයි ද නිව්යෝක් බලධාරීහු ප්‍රකාශ කළහ.

    නිව්යෝක් නුවරට තවත් ඇත්තේ ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍ර සීමිත ප්‍රමාණයක් බවත් තව දස දහස් ගණනක් අවශ්‍ය බවත් වාර්තා වේ. මේ තත්ත්වය හේතුවෙන් දැනට පවතින යන්ත්‍ර නාලයක් සවි කර රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට භාවිත කිරීමට නිව්යෝක් බලධාරීහු තීරණය කර ඇත. මෙය සෞඛ්‍යාරක්ෂිත නැති බවත් අවදානම් සහගත බවත් ඇතැම් වෛද්‍යවරු මෙන්ම විශේෂඥයෝ ප්‍රකාශ කළහ.

    ‘‘අපි මේක කරන්නේ අත්හදා බැලීමක් විදියට. සෞඛ්‍ය සැපයුම් හිඟයි. වෛද්‍ය කාර්යමණ්ඩලය දිවා රෑ නොබලා වැඩ කරනවා’’ යැයි නිව්යෝක්/ප්‍රෙස්බිටීරියන් රෝහලේ ප්‍රධාන ශල්‍ය වෛද්‍ය ක්‍රෙයිග් ස්මිත් පැවැසීය. මෙම රෝහල නිව්යෝක් නුවර තිබෙන ප්‍රධානතම රෝහල්වලින් එකක් වන අතර මෑන්හැට්න් හි පිහිටි කොලොම්බියා විශ්වවිද්‍යාල වෛද්‍ය මධ්‍යස්ථානයට අනුබද්ධිතව පවත්වාගෙන යයි.

    ‘‘එක් වෙන්ටිලේටර් යන්ත්‍රයකින් ආරක්ෂිතව රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට ස්වසන ආධාර සපයනවා’’ යැයි ද වෛද්‍ය ස්මිත් කීය.
    ඇමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදයේ ආහාර සහ ඖෂධ පරිපාලන ෆෙඩරල් ආයතනය ඉකුත් දා ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍ර (වෙන්ටිලේටර්ස්) නවීකරණය කිරීම සඳහා අවසර දුන්නේය. ඇමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදයේ වෛද්‍ය උපකරණ හා උපාංග නිෂ්පාදනය නියාමනය කරන්නේ එම පරිපාලනයයි. ඒ අනුව තත්ත්වය බරපතළ රෝගීන් සඳාහා මෙම ක්‍රමය භාවිත කෙරේ. කෙසේ වුවත් නිෂ්පාදකයන් සෑම විටම ආරක්ෂාව සම්බන්ධයෙන් ෆෙඩරල් ආයතනය දැනුවත් කළ යුතු යැයි ද එම ආයතනය නිෂ්පාදකයන්ට නියෝග කර ඇත.

    ෆෙඩරල් ආයතනයේ තීරණයට ඇතැම් වෛද්‍ය සංගම් දැඩි විරෝධය පළ කර ඇත.

    ‘‘දැනට පවතින උපාංග හා උපකරණවලින් මෙය ආරක්ෂිතව කරන්න බැහැ. රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එක් යන්ත්‍රයක් භාවිත කරන්න බැහැ’’ යැයි ‘ඇමෙරිකන් ඇසෝෂියේෂන් ෆෝ රෙස්පිරේටරි කෙයාර්’ , ‘සොසයිටි ඔෆ් ක්‍රිටිකල් කෙයා මෙඩිසින්’ ඇතුළු තවත් වෛද්‍ය සංගම් හතරක් ඒකාබද්ධ නිවේදනයක් නිකුත් කරමින් සඳහන් කළේය.

    ඇතැම් අවස්ථාවලදී ‘තීව්‍ර ස්වසන අවරෝධන සහලක්ෂණය’ හෙවත් ඒ.ආර්.ඩී.එස්. රෝගී තත්ත්වයට ප්‍රතිකාර කිරීම සඳහා ඉතා හොඳින් වැඩිදියුණු කරන ලද ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍රයක් (වෙන්ටිලේටර්ස්) එක් රෝගියකු සඳහා කළමනාකරණය කරගත නොහැකි අවස්ථා උදාවන බව ද එම ඒකාබද්ධ නිවේදනයේ දැක්විණි.

    ඕනෑම රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එලෙස එක් යන්ත්‍රයක් භාවිත නොකරන බවත් සමාන ස්වසන අවශ්‍යතා ඇති රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට පමණක් එක් යන්ත්‍රයක් භාවිත කරන බව මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් අදහස් දක්වමින් වෛද්‍ය ස්මිත් කීය.

    ‘‘මේ දේ කරනවා නම්, මේක ඉතාම පරෙස්සමෙන් කරන්න ඕනෑ. සෑම විටම විමසිල්ලෙන් ඉන්න ඕනෑ. එහෙම නැත්නං හොඳක් කරන්න ගිහින් අන්තිමට වෙන්නේ ලොකු හානියක්’’ මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් අදහස් දක්වමින් වෛද්‍ය ග්‍රෙගරි නේමන් පැවැසීය.

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by nihal123 Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:00 pm

    රාජ්‍ය ඔසු සැල් හැර අනික් සියලු ඖෂධහල් - වෙළෙඳසැල් වසා දමන්න උපදෙස්
    (දිල්රුක්ෂි ග්‍රේරු)

    වහාම ක්‍රියාත්මක වන පරිදි  රාජ්‍ය ඔසු සල් හැර සියලු ඖෂධ හල්  හා  සියලු වෙළදසැල් වසා දැමීමට නියෝග කර තිබේ.

    ඇඳිරිනීතයේදී  ඖෂධ අවශ්‍ය  විටෙක නිවසටම ගෙන්වා ගැනීම සඳහා පහසුකම් සළසා තිබේ.

    එමෙන්ම  අත්‍යවශ්‍ය ආහාර ද්‍රව්‍ය නිවෙස්වලට බෙදා හැරීම සඳහා දිවයිනේ පිහිටි සුපිරි වෙළඳසැල්වලට අවසර දී තිබුණද   වෙළෙඳසැල් විවෘත කර පාරිභෝගිකයින්ට භාණ්ඩ විකිණීම සිදු කරන බවට ලැබුණු පැමිණිලි අනුව  වහාම එම වෙළෙඳසැල් වසා දැමීමට පොලිස්පතිවරයා විසින් සියලුම පොලිස් ස්ථානාධිපතිවරුන්ට උපදෙස් ලබා දී  තිබේ.
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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:11 pm

    nihal123 wrote:ඇමරිකාවේ රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එක ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍රයක්

    වෛද්‍ය සැපයුම්වල හිඟයක් ඇතිවීමේ අවදානමක් හටගැනීමත් සමඟ රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එක් ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍රයක් (වෙන්ටිලේටර්ස්) භාවිත කිරීමට ඇමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදයේ නිව්යෝක් නුවර රෝහල් තීරණය කර ඇත.

    දැනට පවතින ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍ර (වෙන්ටිලේටර්ස්) නවීකරණය කර එලෙස රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එක් යන්ත්‍රයක් භාවිත කිරීමේ තීරණය ගෙන ඇති නමුත් ඇතැම් වෛද්‍යවරු එය අවදානම් යැයි අනතුරු අඟවා ඇත.

    ගෝලීය වසංගතයක් බවට පත්ව තිබෙන නව කොරෝනා වයිරසයේ, නව කේන්ද්‍රස්ථානය බවට පත්ව ඇත්තේ ඇමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදයයි.

    කොරෝනා වයිරසය පෙනහලුවලට බලපාන රෝගයක් වන අතර දරුණුම අවස්ථාවලදී ඉන් සිදුවිය හැකි හානිය ඉතා විශාලය. කොරෝනා වයිරසය හේතුවෙන් සති කිහිපයක් ඇතුළත නිව්යෝක් නගරයෙන් වාර්තා වී ඇති මරණ ගණන 281 ක් වන අතර එම නගරයෙන් වාර්තා වී ඇති ආසාදිතයන්ගේ ගණන 22,000කි.

    නිව්යෝක් නගරය තුළ වෛද්‍ය සැපයුම් හිඟයක් ඇතිවීමේ දැඩි අවදානමක් හටගෙන ඇත. මේ හේතුවෙන් ව්‍යවසනකාරී තත්ත්වයක් ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමේ අවදානමක් නිර්මාණය වී ඇතැයි ද නිව්යෝක් බලධාරීහු ප්‍රකාශ කළහ.

    නිව්යෝක් නුවරට තවත් ඇත්තේ ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍ර සීමිත ප්‍රමාණයක් බවත් තව දස දහස් ගණනක් අවශ්‍ය බවත් වාර්තා වේ. මේ තත්ත්වය හේතුවෙන් දැනට පවතින යන්ත්‍ර නාලයක් සවි කර රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට භාවිත කිරීමට නිව්යෝක් බලධාරීහු තීරණය කර ඇත. මෙය සෞඛ්‍යාරක්ෂිත නැති බවත් අවදානම් සහගත බවත් ඇතැම් වෛද්‍යවරු මෙන්ම විශේෂඥයෝ ප්‍රකාශ කළහ.

    ‘‘අපි මේක කරන්නේ අත්හදා බැලීමක් විදියට. සෞඛ්‍ය සැපයුම් හිඟයි. වෛද්‍ය කාර්යමණ්ඩලය දිවා රෑ නොබලා වැඩ කරනවා’’ යැයි නිව්යෝක්/ප්‍රෙස්බිටීරියන් රෝහලේ ප්‍රධාන ශල්‍ය වෛද්‍ය ක්‍රෙයිග් ස්මිත් පැවැසීය. මෙම රෝහල නිව්යෝක් නුවර තිබෙන ප්‍රධානතම රෝහල්වලින් එකක් වන අතර මෑන්හැට්න් හි පිහිටි කොලොම්බියා විශ්වවිද්‍යාල වෛද්‍ය මධ්‍යස්ථානයට අනුබද්ධිතව පවත්වාගෙන යයි.

    ‘‘එක් වෙන්ටිලේටර් යන්ත්‍රයකින් ආරක්ෂිතව රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට ස්වසන ආධාර සපයනවා’’ යැයි ද වෛද්‍ය ස්මිත් කීය.
    ඇමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදයේ ආහාර සහ ඖෂධ පරිපාලන ෆෙඩරල් ආයතනය ඉකුත් දා ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍ර (වෙන්ටිලේටර්ස්) නවීකරණය කිරීම සඳහා අවසර දුන්නේය. ඇමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදයේ වෛද්‍ය උපකරණ හා උපාංග නිෂ්පාදනය නියාමනය කරන්නේ එම පරිපාලනයයි. ඒ අනුව තත්ත්වය බරපතළ රෝගීන් සඳාහා මෙම ක්‍රමය භාවිත කෙරේ. කෙසේ වුවත් නිෂ්පාදකයන් සෑම විටම ආරක්ෂාව සම්බන්ධයෙන් ෆෙඩරල් ආයතනය දැනුවත් කළ යුතු යැයි ද එම ආයතනය නිෂ්පාදකයන්ට නියෝග කර ඇත.

    ෆෙඩරල් ආයතනයේ තීරණයට ඇතැම් වෛද්‍ය සංගම් දැඩි විරෝධය පළ කර ඇත.

    ‘‘දැනට පවතින උපාංග හා උපකරණවලින් මෙය ආරක්ෂිතව කරන්න බැහැ. රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එක් යන්ත්‍රයක් භාවිත කරන්න බැහැ’’ යැයි ‘ඇමෙරිකන් ඇසෝෂියේෂන් ෆෝ රෙස්පිරේටරි කෙයාර්’ , ‘සොසයිටි ඔෆ් ක්‍රිටිකල් කෙයා මෙඩිසින්’ ඇතුළු තවත් වෛද්‍ය සංගම් හතරක් ඒකාබද්ධ නිවේදනයක් නිකුත් කරමින් සඳහන් කළේය.

    ඇතැම් අවස්ථාවලදී ‘තීව්‍ර ස්වසන අවරෝධන සහලක්ෂණය’ හෙවත් ඒ.ආර්.ඩී.එස්. රෝගී තත්ත්වයට ප්‍රතිකාර කිරීම සඳහා ඉතා හොඳින් වැඩිදියුණු කරන ලද ස්වසන සංවාතන යන්ත්‍රයක් (වෙන්ටිලේටර්ස්) එක් රෝගියකු සඳහා කළමනාකරණය කරගත නොහැකි අවස්ථා උදාවන බව ද එම ඒකාබද්ධ නිවේදනයේ දැක්විණි.

    ඕනෑම රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට එලෙස එක් යන්ත්‍රයක් භාවිත නොකරන බවත් සමාන ස්වසන අවශ්‍යතා ඇති රෝගීන් දෙදෙනකුට පමණක් එක් යන්ත්‍රයක් භාවිත කරන බව මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් අදහස් දක්වමින් වෛද්‍ය ස්මිත් කීය.

    ‘‘මේ දේ කරනවා නම්, මේක ඉතාම පරෙස්සමෙන් කරන්න ඕනෑ. සෑම විටම විමසිල්ලෙන් ඉන්න ඕනෑ. එහෙම නැත්නං හොඳක් කරන්න ගිහින් අන්තිමට වෙන්නේ ලොකු හානියක්’’ මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් අදහස් දක්වමින් වෛද්‍ය ග්‍රෙගරි නේමන් පැවැසීය.


    This states 22,000 patients from NY but as of now they are having 40,000. So I cant imagine why the so-called world economic power house don't have the medical infrastructure to treat patients. Obviously they had other priorities of raging wars with other countries than preparing for a medical emergency. I don't think still the Trump administration have identified the gravity on this issue. They are still not in complete lockdown but instead hoping to open up the USA for normal business from next month. Bloody damn fool...
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Age : 45

    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Sat Mar 28, 2020 7:58 am

    As of now....

    Coronavirus Cases:


    The Invisible
    The Invisible

    Posts : 3116
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    Age : 45

    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:24 am

    New deaths during last 24 hours - 64,589
    New deaths during last 24 hours - 3,265

    These figures are higher than previous 24 hour numbers

    USA had 18, 691new cases bringing the total number of cases to 104,126 becoming the first country to pass 100,000 infections

    Italy had 919 more deaths with total number of deaths 9,134

    Spain had 773 more deaths with total number of deaths increasing to 5,138

    France had 299 new deaths with total deaths of 1,995

    All these figures are higher than previous days numbers

    This trend is not good at all. Indicates things are becoming worse and worse worldwide and coronavirus has already speeded most of the parts in all these countries. And the worse part of this is that this is now going beyond the limits where health system can manage and moving to uncontrollable areas which means we can expect ever increasing numbers going forward.

    Very sooner we will see 100,000 new cases being identified within a single day + 10,000 deaths per day.

    Remember health research has revealed coronavirus can kill 1.8mn people worldwide this year.

    And at the final equation can we still expect a recovered equity markets from now on or things becoming worse and worse.....
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Age : 45

    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:43 am

    Sri Lanka village in Covid-19 lockdown as zero Coronavirus cases reported for second day

    ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka has locked down a village South of the capital Colombo after a confirmed Coronavirus patient was found who had contacts with at least 26 persons, while nationwide curfews continue to combat the spread of Covid-19.

    Sri Lanka recorded the second day with no new infections on March 27, since Sri Lanka’s Second Wave infections started with infections from Italy.

    Sri Lanka has so far confirmed 106 cases, and 238 are in hospitals under observation. Six patients including a Wave I patient from Wuhan had recovered up to March 27 morning.

    Surgical Lockdown

    Sri Lanka has been aggressively quarantining arrivals, chasing down contacts and putting the country under curfew to contain the virus.

    “In the Bandaragama divisional secretary area, in the village of Atalugama we found that Coranvirus case had close contacts with over 26 percents,” Sri Lanka’ Army Commander Shavendra Silva who heads an anti-Coronavirus task force in the island in a recorded video.

    “These 26 persons have been quarantined in a centre in the same area.

    “Under the advice of health authorities others are asked to be in self-quarantine.”

    Atalugama had been put in surgical quarantine with police setting up barricades at all entry points. No one is allowed to enter or leave the village.

    Meanwhile the military had also released another 501 persons from quarantine, taking the total released up to now to 1,174, General Silva said. In the quarantine centres 2,871 remain. Another 300 would be released on Saturday he said.

    See Also

    Sri Lanka makes 'helicopter drops' of new money despite soft-peg

    Sri Lanka asks expatriates to wait until Coronavirus is contained to return

    Sri Lanka collecting info on students in South India amid COVID-19 outbreak

    COVID19: A highly restrictive curfew may be counterproductive

    Sri Lanka's overcrowded jails tense over COVID 19

    Sri Lanka has been aggressively chasing contacts of all confirmed Coroanvirus cases, while there are nation-wide curfews to prevent the spread of the disease.

    Out of 106 confirmed cases 33 were from quarantine centres, who had returned from abroad.

    “If these people were not quarantined, there would be big calamity in the country,” Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi said.

    Sri Lanka has since barred all arrivals, whether foreigners or citizens.

    The government on Friday asked overseas citizens to wait until the work currently being done to contain the diseases in the island is completed.

    Many countries have closed borders, but many are also allowing citizens to return.

    Vietnam which is also aggressively chasing contacts has so far quarantined

    Under Watch

    By Saturday March 28, 14 days had elapsed since a ‘Big Match’ between Colombo’s Royal and St. Thomas’ College where a Coronavius patient was found. The big match had been a key concern for authorities.

    Other incidents include a father-son duo who had attended the Red Mosque in Colombo. In Jaffna, indefinite curfews are also in place after an infected Swiss pastor held a service and one of his associates were infected.

    However the curfews have put severe economic hardship of day wage earners as well as companies.
    A 6,000 rupee credit has been given to Samurdhi income supplement recipients.

    The government has announced a multiple economic measures including credit relief.

    Sri Lanka Ports Authority Friday exempted ships from entry fees and demurrage and shippers from warehouse rents and container storage charges.


    Sri Lanka closes export industrial zones over Coronavirus

    Sri Lanka CB issues Coronavirus relief order to banks on small biz, vehicles, loans

    Meanwhile Sri Lanka’s monetary policy continues to cause concern as it had done for nearly 70 years since and unstable soft-peg was set up in 1951.

    Sri Lanka has injected large volumes of money into the credit system, despite not having either a reserve currency or a floating exchange rate undermining the credibility of the peg.
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

    Posts : 3116
    Join date : 2016-11-28
    Age : 45

    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:31 am

    Sri Lanka makes cremation mandatory for any COVID19 fatalities

    ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka is yet to record a death by the COVID19 disease but Judicial Medical Officers (JMO) across the country have been sent Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to be followed if a patient in a hospital succumbs to the coronavirus.

    The remains of all those who pass away from this disease will be cremated within 24 hours regardless of their faith according to the SOP.

    A document seen by EconomyNext and authenticated by the JMO Department says that an inquest and an autopsy would not be necessary as the death will occur in an Intensive Care Unit or some special unit set aside for the purpose.

    The procedures are similar to any other disease considered highly contagious.

    The bodies need to be bagged and disinfected, and a limited time given to close family members to view the remains. The viewing has to take place only inside the hospital premises and the relatives are to be given masks.

    Only the face of the deceased will be uncovered.

    No touching of the body will be permitted, the SOPs say.

    After that, the remains should be handed over to the funeral directors.

    Embalming is strictly prohibited as the process may endanger the staff of the funeral home, and possibly cause further spread of the disease.

    Funeral homes will be expected to immediately bag the body and place it in a coffin which will be sealed.

    See Also

    Qatar reports a Bangladeshi national as first virus death

    Sri Lanka extends partial airport closure till April 07 to fight Coronavirus

    Europe's virus toll surges but Wuhan cautiously reopens

    First Coronavirus patient dies in Sri Lanka, total Covid-19 count 113

    After Corona and Curfew: A soft landing, ‘herd immunity’ and an Easter memorial

    The sealed coffin can be placed in a parlour or a home only for religious rituals.

    Mass gatherings and funeral functions are not permitted and the SOP calls for the remains to be cremated within 24 hours of the death.

    On Monday morning according to the Ministry of Health, there were 87 patients confirmed as having the disease in government hospitals with 2 listed in critical condition at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (IDH).

    Four are listed as recovered but only one, a Chinese tourist has been discharged. (Colombo, March 23, 2020)
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:36 am

    First Coronavirus patient dies in Sri Lanka, total Covid-19 count 113

    ECONOMYNEXT – The first Coronvirus patient had died in Si Lanka on March 28, with the total confirmed in the country going up to 113, the health ministry said.

    A 60 year old patient, from Marawila, who also had a kidney transplant and had a history of diabetes and high blood pressure had died, the state information office quoted Director General of Health Anil Jasinghe as saying.

    Sri Lanka has confirmed 113 Coronavirus cases in Sri Lanka, and 119 were under observation, the health ministry said. Nine persons had recovered.

    The Director-General of Health Services said the patient passed away at the National Institute of Infectious diseases (IDH) shortly before 8pm local time.

    Among persons confirmed on Saturday were two Sri Lankan who came from Chennai, India, Jasinghe said.

    There were two others who had also come from India.

    If anyone came from India’s Chennai, please call the health officer and be self-quarantined or be quarantined at a facility in Colombo, he said.

    Sri Lanka Air Force had built a 15-room facility with separate rooms to keep suspected persons under observation, Jasinghe said.

    Lanka has seen new patients increase in single digits or low double digits and the country is under curfews to stop the spread of the disease.

    Sri Lanka Air Force had built a 15-room facility with separate rooms to keep suspected persons under observation, Jasinghe said.

    See Also

    Qatar reports a Bangladeshi national as first virus death

    Sri Lanka extends partial airport closure till April 07 to fight Coronavirus

    Europe's virus toll surges but Wuhan cautiously reopens

    After Corona and Curfew: A soft landing, ‘herd immunity’ and an Easter memorial

    Probation Dept requests donors to Childrens' Homes to approach officials

    At the Homagama Hospital food for Covid-19 patients were being given food using a robot built by Atlas company, reducing the contact of staff with the patients, he said.

    He had requested more such robots to be made.
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:37 am

    Europe’s virus toll surges but Wuhan cautiously reopens

    AFP – The accelerating death toll from the coronavirus epidemic sweeping the globe surged past 20,000 in Europe on Saturday, with hardest-hit Italy and Spain both reporting more than 800 dead in a single day.

    As many as one-third of the world’s population is now living under lockdown and US President Donald Trump says he is considering placing New York state under “quarantine”, as the Chinese city where the outbreak began has begun to return to normality.

    The worst hit country, Italy, announced 889 new COVID-19 deaths on Saturday, pushing it past the 10,000 mark, and Spain added 832, as Madrid officials said the epidemic seemed to be nearing a peak.

    Russia will become the latest country to close borders on Monday in an attempt to slow the pandemic’s spread, according to a government decree.

    More than 600,000 cases of the novel coronavirus have been officially recorded around the world since the outbreak began late last year, according to an AFP tally.

    Variations in testing regimes mean the true number is likely far higher and confirmed deaths are mounting.

    Europe is now the worst-hit continent with 20,059 deaths. France has seen close to 2,000 fatalities and the British toll passed 1,000 on Saturday.

    Spanish official Fernando Simon suggested the virus was “very, very close” to peaking in his country: “The increase is slowing or stabilising little-by-little.”

    Elsewhere, Iran announced 139 more deaths and India sealed off a dozen Punjab villages that had been visited by a guru now known to be infected and a possible “super-spreader”.

    Sri Lanka recorded its first death and Turkey hit 100 fatalities.

    See Also

    Qatar reports a Bangladeshi national as first virus death

    Sri Lanka extends partial airport closure till April 07 to fight Coronavirus

    First Coronavirus patient dies in Sri Lanka, total Covid-19 count 113

    After Corona and Curfew: A soft landing, ‘herd immunity’ and an Easter memorial

    Probation Dept requests donors to Childrens' Homes to approach officials

    South African police resorted to rubber bullets in Johannesburg to enforce social distancing on a crowd queueing for supplies outside a supermarket during a national lockdown.

    The United States now has the world’s highest number of COVID-19 cases but per capita European nations are still the worst hit, with emergency services across the world struggling to cope.

    – Wuhan partially reopens –

    However, two months of almost total isolation appear to have paid off in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the virus first emerged.

    Residents have been forbidden to leave the city since January, with roadblocks installed and millions subject to dramatic restrictions on their daily life.

    But on Saturday people were allowed to enter the city and most of the subway network restarted. Some shopping centres will open their doors next week.

    The US, which now has more than 104,000 COVID-19 patients, invoked emergency powers Friday to force a private company to make medical equipment.

    With 60 percent of the US in lockdown and infections skyrocketing, Trump has signed the largest stimulus package in US history, worth $2 trillion — and now seems set to go further.

    “We’d like to see NY quarantined because it’s a hotspot — New York, New Jersey, maybe one or two other places, certain parts of Connecticut quarantined,” Trump said, without elaborating.

    – ‘Enough, enough’ –

    Italy recorded almost 1,000 deaths from the virus on Friday — the worst one-day toll anywhere since the pandemic began.

    One coronavirus sufferer, a cardiologist from Rome who has since recovered, recalled his hellish experience at a hospital in the capital.

    “The treatment for the oxygen therapy is painful, looking for the radial artery is difficult. Desperate other patients were crying out, ‘enough, enough’,” he told AFP.

    Infection rates in Italy are on a downward trend, but the head of the national health institute Silvio Brusaferro said it was not out of the woods yet, predicting a peak “in the next few days”.

    Spain has the world’s second-highest death toll and its cases jumped to 72,248 on Saturday as the country moves to ramp up testing.

    Belgium and Luxembourg also saw a steep climb in deaths, with 353 recorded in the former on Saturday — up from 289 the day before — and 15 in the grand duchy, up from nine.

    Europe has suffered the brunt of the coronavirus crisis in recent weeks, with millions across the continent on lockdown and the streets of Paris, Rome and Madrid eerily empty.

    Meanwhile, other countries across the world were bracing for the virus’s full impact, with AFP tallies showing more than 26,000 deaths globally.

    The World Health Organization’s regional director for Africa warned the continent faces a “dramatic evolution” of the pandemic.

    As even rich countries struggle, aid groups warn the toll could be in the millions in low-income countries and war zones such as Syria and Yemen, where healthcare systems are in tatters.
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    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:44 am

    As of now...

    Coronavirus Cases:



    New cases identified during last 24 hours - 66,888
    New deaths reported during last 24 hours - 3,524

    These numbers are higher than previous 24 hour numbers

    USA, Spain, Germany reported highest cases per day during last 24 hours
    USA, Spain, France, UK reported highest ever deaths per day.
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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:51 am

    This is reaching totally uncontrollable area now. At the going rate I can predict we will see the following numbers by next Sunday morning (5th April)

    Total infected cases worldwide - 1.2mn
    Total deaths worldwide - 60,000

    USA alone will report total cases close to 300,000 by next week. Can Trump's USD 3 trillion stimulus plan control this? Or he should spend USD 3 trillion to build more hospitals and increase test possibilities around the country?
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:24 pm

    Sri Lanka threatened by isolated Coronavirus cases, Covid-19 count 117

    ECONOMYNEXT – Isolated cases of Coronavirus cases are still turning up from various locations posing a hidden threat, and the public should be careful to maintain social distance when curfew is lifted in some areas on Monday, Sri Lanka’s Army Chief Shavendra Silva said.

    “You can see that from time to time, infected persons are turning up from here and there,” General Silva said in a recorded video address to media.

    “There is a certain threat. Even though you do not know, there can be infected persons in society.

    “So tomorrow when curfew is lifted everyone should maintain a distance of one metre.

    Britain’s National Health Service is recommending two meters, but the World Health Organization is recommending one meter saying the virus is likely to fall down within a metre instead of floating around.

    Hand washing is advocated to stop germs from moving to the face after touching such surfaces.

    Health workers who are performing certain procedures with patients however may get droplets at a longer distance.

    Sri Lanka’s health ministry said the confirmed total case had gone up 117 by 8.00 pm Sunday, 11 persons had recovered including a Wave I patient from China in January.

    Sri Lanka locked down Akurana town in the Kandy district after a person who returned from Chennai on March 15, was found to be infected with Covid-19.

    The 61, year old person from Nelambugama, Akurana had roamed around Kandy town General Silva said.

    Akurana town was locked down late Saturday, in the same way Athaluagama in Kalutara was locked down he said. (Colombo/Mar29/2020)
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:44 am

    Coronavirus curfew lifted in parts of Sri Lanka amid surgical lockdowns, contact chasing

    ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka has lifted curfew in most districts while the Western Province, Puttalam and Kandy till 1400hours Monday while authorities continued to chase contacts with one village and town locked down.

    Sri Lanka had confirmed 117 Coronavirus patients by 2000h March 29, Health Ministry data showed. One patient has died and 11 had recovered so far.

    Sri Lanka’s military chief Shavendra Silva who heads an anti-Covid-19 taskforce said isolated infections were still being confirmed and everyone should maintain a distance when curfew is lifted.

    “You can see that from time to time, infected persons are turning up from here and there,” General Silva said in a recorded video address to media.

    “There is a certain threat. Even though you do not know, there can be infected persons in society.

    Police had also asked shops in Galenbindunuwea, Horowpathana and Kahatagasdigiliya not to open after a confirmed patient from Akurana in Kandy was found to have gone to the area.

    The areas were not under lockdown, General Silva said.

    A group from Muttur who had gone to Malaysia and Indonesia was asked to call police and get into self-quarantine.

    “Most of them had very co-operatively already gone into self-quarantine,” General Silva told Sri Lanka’s Derana Television, Monday.

    “But a few people do not respond. Please do so because it is for everyone’s protection that we are doing. Intelligence services go to a great deal of trouble to find these matters.”

    See Also

    A COVID-19 Recession and Debt Shock in Asia and Sri Lanka: scenario analysis

    Sri Lanka March-May 2020 mini-budget unconstitutional claims ex FinMin

    Sri Lanka threatened by isolated Coronavirus cases, Covid-19 count 117

    New probe into CID investigation of Easter attacks ordered

    Sri Lanka stock market closed on Monday over curfew, banks to run

    He said the shop closure in Anuradhapura did not amount to a lockdown, which was underway in Ataluagama in Kalutara and Akurana in the Kandy district.

    The patient from Akurana had returned from India on March 15, Director of Health Arjuna Tillekeratne told reporters Sunday.

    The person has had a cough and fever two days after returning and had taken treatment from a private hospital. Three family members who had shown symptoms had been admitted to Kandy hospital.

    Anyone who had recently returned from India is now being asked to self-quarantine and call police.

    Deputy Inspector General Ajith Rohana said a hotline had been set up with 1933 short number to contact on matters related to Coronavirus.

    General Silva said 21,171 had registered and some were now out of danger.

    Sri Lanka’s stock markets are closed Monday, but banks, bond and forex markets are open.

    Sri Lanka’s public had got into difficulties after a new state monopoly was created where drug sales were made the exclusive business of a state pharmaceuticals company.

    Another 120 select pharmacies were allowed to sell drugs by delivery and people were asked to use whatsapp and other tools to order drugs, newspaper reports said Monday. (Colombo/Mar30/2020)
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    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:50 am

    As of now...

    Coronavirus Cases:


    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:58 am

    New cases identified during last 24 hours - 58,216
    New deaths reported during last 24 hours - 3,087

    These numbers are lessor than previous 24 hour figures

    However USA continue to find higher cases with 18,469 new cases
    Spain 6,785 new cases
    Italy 5,217 new cases

    Spain reported 821 new deaths while Italy reported 756
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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by nihal123 Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:49 am

    ජාතික ගුවන් සේවය චීනයේ සිට වෛද්‍ය ආධාර රැගෙන එයි
    March, 30, 2020

    ශ්‍රීලංකන් ගුවන් සේවය, ජාතික මෙහෙවරක් ඉටු කරමින් සහ රජයේ ආරාධනය නැවත පිළිගනිමින්, සෙනසුරාදා දින (2020 මාර්තු 28) චීනයේ ෂැංහයි සිට වෛද්‍ය ආධාර තොගයක් මෙරටට රැගෙන ඒම සඳහා ගුවන් සේවා සත්කාරය ලබාදෙන ලදී. මෙම භාණ්ඩ තොගය චීනයේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාව විසින් ගුවැන්ෂු සහ ෂැංහයි හි ශ්‍රී ලංකා තානාපතිවර‍ැන් වෙත සිදු කරන ලද පරිත්‍යාගයකි. මේ සඳහා චීනයේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා තානාපති කාර්යාල පහසුකම් සපයන ලදී.

    මුහුණු ආවරණ, ආරක්ෂිත ඇඳුම්, ඇස් කණ්ණාඩි, මුහුණු ආරක්ෂණ ආවරණ, නෙබියුලයිසර්, ස්පන්දන ඔක්සිමීටර, උෂ්ණත්වමාන සහ ග්ලූකෝමීටර වැනි අත්‍යවශ්‍ය වෛද්‍ය භාණ්ඩ මෙම තොගයේ අඩංගු වූ අතර ඒවා වෛද්‍ය ප්‍රතිකාර සඳහා රජයේ රෝහල්වල බෙදා හැරීමට ශ්‍රී ලංකා සෞඛ්‍ය බලධාරීන්ට භාර දෙනු ඇත. COVID 19 වසංගතයට එරෙහි රටක් ලෙස සටන් වදින මොහොතක ශ්‍රීලංකන් කාර්ය මණ්ඩලය වෙහෙස නොබලා සේවය කරයි.

    මෙම වෛයිරසය ගෝලීය වශයෙන් ව්‍යාප්ත වී යාමේ සිටම, ශ්‍රීලංකන් ගුවන් සේවය ශ්‍රී ලාංකිකයන්ට නිවෙස් කරා පැමිණීමට පසුකම් සැලසීමේ දී වැදගත් කාර්යභාරයක් ඉටු කරමින් සිටියි. පසුගියදා ඉන්දියාවේ අතරමංව සිටි ශ්‍රී ලාංකිකයන් 829 දෙනෙකු ශ්‍රී ලංකා රජයේ සහයෝගීතාව සහ උපදෙස් පරදි ආපසු ගෙන්වා ගැනීමට සහ චීනයේ වූහාන් නගරයේ සිටි පිරිස ගෙන්වා ගැනීමට ද ගුවන් සේවා පහසුකම් සලසමින් ශ්‍රීලංකන් ගුවන් සේවය ජාතික මෙහෙවරක් ඉටු කරන ලදී.

    මෙම අවස්ථාවේ දී ජාතික මෙහෙවරක් ඉටු කිරීම පිළිබඳව ශ්‍රීලංකන් ගුවන් සේවයේ කාර්ය මණ්ඩලය සහ කළමනාකාරිත්වය ඉමහත් ආඩම්බරයට පත්වන අතර COVID 19 වසංගතයට එරෙහිව සටන් කරන මොහොතක රටේ සාමූහික ප්‍රයත්නය සඳහා ආධාර අවශ්‍ය වන ඕනෑම ස්ථානයට ගුවන් සේවය අඛණ්ඩව ළඟා වීමට සූදානමින් සිටියි.
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

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    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:27 am

    Sri Lanka’s second Covid-19 patient dies, total confirmed cases 122

    ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka’s second Coronavirus patient died on Monday, the state information office said, while the total confirmed patients rose to 122.

    The 64 year old male had died at Negombo Hospital after being transferred from a private hospital. He was confirmed as having the disease today.

    He had history of heart disease and also had a chronic respiratory condition the statement said.

    The next Coronavirus curfew break will be given at 0600h Wednesday for most districts. The curfews will continue indefinitely in Colombo, Gampaha, Kalutara, Puttalam, Kandy and Jaffna, the president’s office said.

    “Traveling to and from all districts is completely prohibited except for the purpose of providing essential services,” the statement said.

    The village Atalugama in the Kalutara district and Akurana town near Kandy have been declared completely isolated areas. No one will be allowed to enter or leave from these two regions until further notice.

    Sri Lanka’s Confirmed Coronavirus patients rose to 122 by 1530 pm Monday, while 14 had recovered.

    The last two confirmed patients were from Negombo and Kalubowila, the Head of Sri Lanka’s Health Service Anil Jasinghe said.

    In the midst middle of Coronavirus crisis, the government made direct drug sales a state monopoly, banning private pharmacies from selling medicine.

    Angry patients who could not buy drugs from the monopoly were seen on television.
    The Invisible
    The Invisible

    Posts : 3116
    Join date : 2016-11-28
    Age : 45

    Coronavirus Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus Updates

    Post by The Invisible Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:29 am

    Sri Lanka to begin sample Covid-19 testing to check community transmission, Coronavirus count 122

    ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka is planning to start sample testing of the population to check Coronavirus community transmission, health chief Anil Jasinghe said as confirmed Covid-19 cases rose to 122 and the country recorded the second death.

    “We have so far only tested person in isolation units in hospitals,” Jasinghe told reporters. “We want to check whether there is to some extent this disease in the community.

    “Even though we don’t we need to confirms that. So in the future, we will do sample testing.

    “To decide how to do this, and which units should do this and their capacity we had a video conference with the unit around the country.

    South Korea and Vietnam, which have been aggressively chasing contacts, have done thousands of persons using test kits, produced within the country.

    Jasinghe said authorities are tracking 2,210 contacts of confirmed cases most of whom were Wave II arrivals from abroad or their family members.

    But other people are now turning up.

    But authorities are urging people to stay at home.

    By March 30, 1900h, Sri Lanka had confirmed 122 cases, while the total under observation in hospitals fell to 104 from 117 a day earlier.

    On Monday concerns grew as a person who was admitted to Negombo hospital died and he was confirmed to have Coronavirus.

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    Sri Lanka's second Covid-19 patient dies, total confirmed cases 122

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    The person had been in a private hospital and had also taken treatment from a private doctor before coming to Negombo hospital, raising fears of exposure. The patient had a history of heart and lung problems, authorities said.

    It is also not clear how he contracted the disease.

    Several family members also showed symptoms a Government Medical Officers Association Representative said.

    The patient was cremated according to WHO guidelines late night Monday, Sri Lanka’s Derana TV reported.

    Sri Lanka is also urging everyone who entered the country from March 16 from abroad to register with police.

    Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi said on in the Chilaw district five family members had contracted Coronavirus, including a four month old infant.

    “What I can tell persons who came before 14 days is that even if you are self-quarantined at home, to stay away from family member. Especially older relations.”

    Sri Lanka is ahead of many countries in chasing contacts, but the curfews, price controls as well as money printing are generating economic instability.

    A state monopoly in drug sales has reduced supply to sick people.

    The health service however is activating the postal system to deliver drugs to clinic patients in state hospitals.

    The Consumer Affairs Authority had slammed price controls on tinned fish and dhall, popular foods of the less affluent creating shortages in many days.

    The central bank has printed large volumes of money and cut rates, and fears expressed by analysts have unfortunately come true and a peg has been de-stablized amid global uncertainty, and the country has lost the opportunity to benefit from US monetary loosening to raise debt at low rates.

    Sri Lanka remains under curfew which will be lifted for most areas on Wednesday at 0600 am.

    But indefinite curfew remains in Colombo, Gampaha, Kaluthara, Jaffna and Puttalam. (Colombo/Mar31/2020)

      Current date/time is Sun Nov 03, 2024 5:48 pm