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    pee ratio
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    Post by pee ratio Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:33 pm

    Adey, everywhere looking Je Suis Charlie like. what the hell is this new bloody thing ah ?

    Even our Forum, all the buggers writing essays after essays saying charlie...charlie. half the buggers i thinking not nowing what they say in this bally page

    Charlie Hebdo is magazine drawing sat-ire cartoons making fun of some religions like. it is sitting and earning ire of some. now our kalu suddhas are saying ah good good freedom of speech like. but me thinking like this way.

    say in sri-lanka, a muslim or (tamil) car-toon-ist (name AM-MAD) drew a sat-ire like this -

    A naked Buddha with an erect Penis sitting in lotus position (not kaema sutra) dreaming of say picture of nude Virgin Mary and saying - "Today difficult to medidate".

    now you true liberal hippocrates, what will you say. are you hurt, offended, upset.    
    what you thinking will happening to AM-MAD ? defa not to be killed but BBS may cut his little pirith noola no ?

    will you say je suis AM-MAD ? balls no. so why being hippocrates ah ? Just drink Jada all night long or eat bacon in bacon county (stone age comming after the dinosaurs remember).

    Oh you faux liberal kalu suddhas, wake up and smell your kiri kopi. Je suis charlie my foot.    

    Me - Je suis kukul charlie.

    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:41 pm

    I love this and thanks for sharing Pee. Very Happy
    Some may get offended but not me, this was what I said when the Buddha Bar was opened some years back in France too. Very Happy
    Je Suis Charlie. Very Happy
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by jiggysaurus Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:58 pm

    But ze problem iz zat no Buddhist would try to kill ze the carttonizt who drew ze Buddha but the lunatic stone age cultz memberz have already mazzacred the cartoonist who drew the founder of ze stone age cult.
    That is Ze difference between peaceful religions and crazy stone age cults

    So Je suis Charlie. (Kukul or Pig)

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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by slstock Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:09 pm

    Here is my direct opinion on Charlie Hebdo.

    I see their cartoons are borderline irksome to some and they sometimes seem to have gone too far with the controversial subjects for their cartoons ( which is used to carry their inner message which seems mostly non violent in meaning according to what I saw . But I see the interpretation can be insulting to some and Charlie Hebdo should have been more careful)

    Note I see that they also picked on other religions including a Pope holding a Condom . But yes they seems to have picked more on the Prophet ( Muhammed ) lately as a subject. Am yet to study all the translated messages to figure out they were racists or insulting (from my opinion. )

    BUT, the recent violence and the killing is not the solution if some party was upset. I do not approve such. The irked parties could have protested , run an international campain against Charlie , threatened legally etc etc .

    When a britisher wore a buddha tattoo on the arm the action the authorities took to send back was too much in my opinion. They could have punished some other way if they felt the need. But sending back was more peaceful than beating the lady right ?

    Killing goes one step more.

    Last edited by slstock on Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
    pee ratio
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by pee ratio Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:19 pm

    jiggysaurus wrote:But ze problem iz zat no Buddhist would try to kill ze the carttonizt who drew ze Buddha but the lunatic stone age cultz memberz have already mazzacred the cartoonist who drew the founder of ze stone age cult.
    That is Ze difference between peaceful religions and crazy stone age cults

    So Je suis Charlie. (Kukul or Pig)

    Aha peaceful - yes right

    so picture this satire cartoon

    Wirathu, looking at dead bodies on a field, after slaughtering thousands of muslim men, women and children in Myanmar, with a hard on noticeable through his robe, calling Lord Buddha and saying " Oh dear Lord, they will get all the virgins first. pls reserve and send some to hell for me and my friend Gnanasara. Drats we are horny ".

    That's why - " MAMA KUKUL CHARLIE ".

    disclaimer - no offence meant to anyone. this is just to be showing what type of sat-ire charlie hebdo was pubiclishing.

    Last edited by pee ratio on Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by slstock Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:47 pm

    For those who want to learn about Charlie Hebdo , its motives , past

    watch the video below

    pee ratio
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by pee ratio Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:46 pm

    jiggysaurus wrote:But ze problem iz zat no Buddhist would try to kill ze the carttonizt who drew ze Buddha but the lunatic stone age cultz memberz have already mazzacred the cartoonist who drew the founder of ze stone age cult.
    That is Ze difference between peaceful religions and crazy stone age cults

    So Je suis Charlie. (Kukul or Pig)

    ze problem iz zat no buddhist would try to kill ze cartoonist, but ze will make him ze dizzapear.  

    Je suis Prageeth or are we just very hippocrite becoz we zest raczist ?

    In Sri Lanka Cartoonists Aren’t Killed – They’re Disappeared
    By Kanya D'Almeida

    Sri Lankan columnist and cartoonist Prageeth Eknaligoda has been missing for almost five years. Credit: Vikalpa | Groundviews |

    COLOMBO, Jan 13 2015 (IPS) - Scenes from the brutal shooting of 12 journalists with the French satirical weekly ‘Charlie Hebdo’ have monopolised headlines worldwide ever since two men opened fire in the magazine’s Paris office on Jan. 7.

    Millions have marched in the streets against what is widely being billed as an attack on free speech, and the work of the magazine’s cartoonists has gone viral.

    Several thousands miles away, in Sri Lanka, a different attack on press freedom has not received even a fraction of the attention. Perhaps because, in this particular tragedy, the leading character was not killed. He simply vanished without a trace.

    “One sure way to reverse the dangerous trajectory Sri Lanka has been going down during the past decade is to seriously address the pleas of those like Sandhya Eknaligoda, whose husband Prageeth remains missing five years on [...]." -- Sumit Galhotra, Asia Researcher for the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
    The last time anyone heard from Prageeth Eknaligoda was on Jan. 24, 2010. Just after 10 p.m. he called to inform his wife, Sandhya, that he was on his way home from the office. He never arrived.
    From local police stations all the way to the United Nations in Geneva, she has searched for answers as to his whereabouts, but found none.

    Rights groups like Amnesty International believe the authorities played a role in his disappearance, while neighbours report seeing an unmarked white van parked outside his house the day he went missing – a vehicle widely associated with enforced disappearances in Sri Lanka.

    A cartoonist and columnist for Lanka eNews (LEN), Eknaligoda had long used his pen to draw attention to corruption, human rights abuses and eroding democracy in Sri Lanka.

    One of his most widely shared images depicts the back of a half-naked woman facing a gang of laughing men. Scratched on the wall behind her are the words “Preference of the majority is democracy”, which some commentators claimed was a reference to the powerlessness of minorities in a largely Sinhala-Buddhist country.

    He also turned his sharp pen to the issue of education, sketching out in glaring detail the impact of a weak school system on the youth, including one cartoon that depicted the tragic suicide of a student at a leading girls’ school in the capital, Colombo.

    In a country that is ranked fourth – between the Philippines and Syria – on the Impunity Index compiled by the leading media watchdog Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), it was perhaps only a matter of time before Eknaligoda was forced to answer to the powers that be.

    But because there is no evidence to show he suffered the same fate as the 19 Sri Lankan journalists who have been killed in cold blood since 1992, Eknaligoda is not included among those who paid with their lives for their writings.

    Because his body was never found, there is no gravesite around which to gather to mourn his death. In fact, former Attorney General Mohan Peiris told a United Nations Committee against Torture in 2011 that Eknaligoda was still alive and living in a foreign country – a statement he later retracted.

    As far as the family is concerned, disappearance is a fate worse than death. In an interview with IPS in 2012, Sandhya Eknaligoda explained, “Not knowing where your loved one is, that is mental torture. And it is worse than physical torture, where at least the world can see the marks of your suffering.”

    New government, new hopes

    On Jan. 7, as news of the Charlie Hebdo massacre reached heads of state around the world, Sri Lanka’s then-president Rajapaksa was among those to immediately offer condolences to the victims’ families.

    Those who have closely followed Eknaligoda’s case called the statement hypocritical, given the government’s alleged indifference to a free press in Sri Lanka.
    So when Rajapaksa was ousted at the Jan. 8 presidential election, replaced by his former party secretary Maithripala Sirisena, experts and activists began, tentatively, to hope for accountability.

    “Maithripala Sirisena’s stunning win marks an opportunity for Sri Lanka to improve the climate for press freedom,” Sumit Galhotra, Asia researcher for CPJ, told IPS. “While he has pledged to eradicate corruption and ensure greater transparency, we will be watching closely to see if he follows these verbal commitments with concrete steps.

    “One sure way to reverse the dangerous trajectory Sri Lanka has been going down during the past decade is to seriously address the pleas of those like Sandhya Eknaligoda, whose husband Prageeth remains missing five years on and to begin combating the culture of impunity that has flourished in the country when it comes to anti-press violence,” he added.

    Among a long list of atrocities that the journalistic community has suffered was the assassination of Lasantha Wickrematunge in broad daylight on Jan. 8, 2009. Founder-editor of the major English-language weekly, the Sunday Leader, Wickrematunge was an outspoken critic of all forms of abuse of power and human rights violations.

    Addressing a crowd of some 50 people who gathered at his gravesite on the morning of the presidential poll exactly six years after Lasantha’s death, his brother Lal Wickrematunge called attention to the failure of the “numerous squads assigned to handle investigations into the murder [to make] any headway.”

    Now, as the new government assumes office, activists say there will be a renewed push for justice.

    It is still early days, but already there have been some positive steps.

    “Some of the websites that were blocked like TamilNet and Lanka eNews are accessible now, and these are good signs,” Ruki Fernando, a prominent grassroots activist here, told IPS.

    “But there are a number of cases, like Prageeth’s, Lasantha’s and many, many others – including numerous cases against the [Jaffna-based Tamil language daily newspaper] Uthayan – that need to be expedited.

    “That doesn’t mean that Lal [Wickrematunge] or Sandhya [Eknaligoda] are asking for political favours,” he asserted. “All they’re asking is that the normal course of justice, which was been obstructed so far, be allowed to proceed in an independent manner without political interference.

    “These are things we expect from the new regime in its first 100 days,” Fernando stated. “Until they are implemented, I don’t have much confidence – I only have hope.”
    pee ratio
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by pee ratio Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:50 pm

    my dear kitty sir, especial cartoon only for you, since you are saying you liking my cartons.

    tout est pardonne

    mama kukul charlie

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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by slstock Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:57 pm

    Any protests or reformation attempts by any member in this forum is prohibited and will be punished as per those who practiced falun gong.

    pee ratio wrote:

    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:22 pm

    So, One Shot only and we have to get it right in that.
    I love this.
    Thanks for sharing Pee. Very Happy
    pee ratio wrote:my dear kitty sir, especial cartoon only for you, since you are saying you liking my cartons.
    tout est pardonne
    mama kukul charlie
    pee ratio
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by pee ratio Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:55 pm

    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE 10934096_10152489660931548_6021345531351654581_o

    Aney apey dinosaur age kalu suddha ko lol!
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by jiggysaurus Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:09 pm

    pee ratio wrote:
    Aney apey dinosaur age kalu suddha ko lol!

    Stone age PooBuuUHhhh ge cult members lath ekka time waste karala karala mamth giya 72 virgins hoyanda.

    Me cult ekata join wunoth eternal elections hambuwenawalu, how the power? Pee Ratio kale.
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:09 pm

    කිඹුල් කදුලු Very Happy
    Ane Charli ayyatath giya kalak dan Very Happy
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by Ethical Trader Tue Jan 20, 2015 5:20 pm

    pee ratio wrote:my dear kitty sir, especial cartoon only for you, since you are saying you liking my cartons.

    tout est pardonne

    mama kukul charlie
    ?Can you explain what it means.
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by jiggysaurus Tue Jan 20, 2015 5:28 pm

    Ethical Trader wrote:
    ?Can you explain what it means.

    After you do that explain this also. Since you have justified the murder of cartoonists by the stone age cult. Explain and justify this also

    Cartoon ekak thamay naththe, ko ithin carttonists lawa maranawane.
    pee ratio
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    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE Empty Re: Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE

    Post by pee ratio Tue Jan 20, 2015 5:43 pm

    pee ratio wrote:Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE 10934096_10152489660931548_6021345531351654581_o

    Aney apey dinosaur age kalu suddha ko lol!

    Je suis KUKUL CHARLIE 10407055_10153059602670820_3209132144017241346_n

    hambuwuna hambuwuna , mey inney apey kalu suddha, ratu tie daala.
    how the dinosaur age cap eka ? must hide small brain no lol!

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